The comment period has been extended to January 27th.
It has come to our attention that there is a Development Application request to change maximum building heights at the Truman development at 77th Street and Old Banff Coach Road. This Application requests that building heights increase from the current 30 meters (approximately 10 stories) to 90 meters (approximately 30 stories) for 9 buildings.

While this does not fall under the mandate of our Association, we recognize that Homeowners may be unaware of the Development Application and want to provide feedback (negative or positive) to the City of Calgary by the deadline of January 27, 2025.
We, as homeowners and residents, can tell the City of Calgary what we think of this application through these two links. It is short and simply asks for your name, address and if you are in favor or not with an opportunity to submit comments.
Please go to both links below and click on “share your comments” on the top left corner:
SCA CA Board of Directors