Land Acknowledgement

We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge that we are gathered on the traditional territories of the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta. The Nations of the Treaty 7 region are: the Siksika (Seeg-see-gah), Piikani (Pee-gah-nee), and Kainai (G-ai-nah) First Nations, who, altogether, form the Siksikaitsitapi (Seeg-see-gate-see-ta-pee) (Blackfoot Confederacy). The Chiniki (Chin-ick-ee), Bearspaw, and Wesley First Nations, who, altogether form the Iethka Nakoda Wicistabi (Yith-ka Na-ko-da We-chi-staw-bee) Stoney Nakoda First Nations; and the Tsuut’ina (Soot-tenna) First Nation. Calgary is also homeland to the historic Northwest Métis and to Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3. We acknowledge all Indigenous urban Calgarians who have made Calgary their home.


More information on Indigenous Relations, including Protocols and Truth & Reconciliation, can be found here:


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