Community Rink

We have a full-size hockey rink and a skating pond.

When open, rink lights will turn on at dusk and stay on until 10:30 pm.

Access to the ice is free for all residents with a valid SCA CA membership.  You can purchase or renew your family’s membership online or at the office.

Rink cannot be booked for private groups.  The ice is available to everyone at all times.  Be respectful of others and share your community rink.


  • Helmets must be worn.
  • Please shovel after use or after snowfall
  • Use of these facilities is at your own risk
  • Please remove nets after every use
  • Please keep rink area tidy.
  • Please don’t pile snow on the ice.
  • No hockey sticks on skating pond (only on hockey rink).
  • You can purchase or renew your $20 SCA CA membership online.

Volunteers always needed

If you are able to assist with ice maintenance please contact  There is no requirement to commit on a regular basis, you’ll just receive email calls for help as the weather dictates, and you come out to shovel or flood as your schedule permits.

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