The Gazette

The Gazette is the Official Newsletter of the

Strathcona, Christie, Aspen Community Association. 

The Gazette is delivered to all homes in Strathcona Park, Christie Park and Aspen Woods.  It is published monthly to approximately 6,800 to households.


Please click here to view current advertising rates from our publisher, Great News Media, and for their contact information.

Read Online

Please click here to view the current version of the Gazette – available on the Publisher’s website.


Articles, photographs and any other submissions should be directed to the SCA CA office at

Submissions should reflect the activities and interests of the community.  Inclusion in the newsletter is subject to approval by the SCA CA office and availability of space in the newsletter.

“Letters to the Editor” are also welcome;  any respectful opinions will be published.  Names can be withheld from publication upon request.

Submissions should be sent in a Word Document or other plain text format.  Any accompanying images should be sent separately in the highest resolution possible.

In general the submission deadline is the 1st of each month…one month prior to publication (eg: January 1 for the February issue).

Great News Media

#34, 4550-112 Ave. SE, Calgary, AB  T2C 2K2

Phone: 403-263-3044
Fax: 403-720-0763


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