Back to School — Be Safe. Watch Out. Park Smart.

Dear parents and guardians,

With the excitement of return to school comes many distractions – distractions that can be dangerous for both drivers and children.

This Fall, The City wants to remind and encourage anyone who is driving kids to school to operate their vehicles safely and responsibly. We ask parents and guardians to please not park where it’s prohibited during drop off and pick up times, such as blocking crosswalks, laneways and private driveways.

We know pick up and drop off times can get quite busy. We ask you to give yourself extra time to navigate safely around schools, whether you are walking, wheeling, or driving. For those who drive, you can help alleviate congestion by parking a block or two away and walking in, wherever possible. Please talk to your kids about safe travel practices like using crosswalks with patrols, looking all ways before crossing the street and not jaywalking across the roadways as a shortcut.

Learn more by visiting and let’s all have a safe school year!

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