Most injuries occur when a cyclist suffers a fall, strikes a stationary object, or collides with another cyclist/pedestrian. It is the law in Alberta that cyclists under the age of 18 must wear a helmet (and recommended for all ages). Helmets should be CSA approved and worn during recreational activities such as skateboarding, in-line skating, and cycling.
Getting informed
- Wearing a helmet while cycling can prevent significant injury.
- Brain injuries can cause permanent disability or even death.
- Reduce your risk by always wearing your helmet.
- Replace any helmet that has been involved in a crash, even if it appears undamaged.
Getting started
- Allow children to assist when buying their helmet. Cyclists who choose their own helmet are more likely to wear them.
- Start the habit early. Young children learning to ride need to wear helmets.
- Parents can lead by example by wearing a helmet when cycling.
Getting the right fit